Create Your Own Cashback Website in WordPress

Cashback Tracker Pro

A plugin designed for generating tracking links and monitoring statistics for cashback websites.

Cashback Tracker Pro WordPress Plugin

Why Start a Cashback Website?

A cashback website elevates the traditional affiliate marketing model by offering users a portion of the commission earned on their purchases. This incentive encourages users to shop through your site instead of going directly to the original retailers.

While affiliate sites with product reviews and niche products are common, cashback sites are less widespread due to their technical complexity. They require advanced tracking, API synchronization, and user management, which can be challenging to implement.

Many cashback companies invest heavily in building their sites. Recognizing the lack of ready solutions for WordPress, we developed this plugin to enable you to create your own rewards community effortlessly.
Key Benefits:

  • Trending online business
  • Minimal startup costs
  • Low competitions
  • Quick setup
  • Increased user satisfaction
Cashback Tracker Pro

How it works


Advertiser Pages

Connect your affiliate network account using API keys. The plugin will automatically generate pages for your approved advertisers.


User Tracking Links

The plugin converts all your affiliate network links into tracking links, enabling you to monitor all user orders effectively.


Order Tracking

The plugin tracks the status of each order, calculates the cashback amount, and adjusts reward points automatically.

Cashback Tracker Pro - How it works

What are included

Adds unique SubID for each user in all your affiliate links.

Automatically loads and creates pages for all approved advertisers from your account.

Automatically import affiliate coupons and deals to your WordPress site using Cashback Tracker Pro.

Utilizes official APIs of networks to place new orders in Pending, track changes, and automatically assign cashback points once the order is approved.

Includes special shortcodes for advertisers, links, and more.

Creates a custom point system for myCred, adding reward points based on order status. Integrates deeply with themes and profile plugins like BuddyPress.

Converts your links to tracking links for all supported networks when using Affiliate Egg and Content Egg.

Allows the creation of custom event triggers, apps, webhooks, and output templates.

What is Not Included

  • Withdraw Credits as Real Money: This feature is possible with the cashCred add-on for myCred.
  • Point System: The plugin does not have its own point system but supports integration with the free version of the myCred plugin.
  • Profile Pages and Point Visualization: These features can be added by installing BuddyPress for profile pages and using myCred shortcodes to display user point history.

Coupon auto-import

Easily create a coupon website with automatic importing of deals and coupons. Each shop will have a dedicated, SEO-optimized page. Coupons are updated multiple times daily, ensuring your visitors always find the freshest deals.

Coupon auto-import

Common Questions

Which affiliate networks are supported?
Cashback Tracker supports the following networks:

  • Admitad
  • AWIN
  • Commission Junction
  • Cuelinks
  • Impact Radius
  • INRDeals (beta)
  • Pepperjam

Please note that Cashback Tracker uses official APIs, so ensure you have access to the required APIs. We are continuously working to add more networks.

For testing the plugin without real orders, we have provided a demo module.

Points or Real money?
The plugin adds points, which can be redeemed in various ways, such as manual payments to users, gift cards, or access to hidden parts of the site based on reward points.

Which themes are supported?
The plugin works with any theme, but we recommend using themes with advanced BuddyPress and myCred integrations.

Is it possible to give 100% of comission to users?
Yes, you can choose calculation of points:

  • Percentage of sale amount
  • Percentage of your commission
  • Flat amount
You can also set the cashback amount individually for each advertiser.

Do you need technical skills?
While we aim to make everything as easy as possible, you should have basic knowledge of affiliate marketing, WordPress (as an admin user), and working with plugins like Contact forms, BuddyPress, and myCred.

Can you do whole setup of cashback site for me?
We do not offer setup or customization services. However, if you have interesting ideas, you can suggest them to us, and we may consider adding them in future plugin updates.

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